# Boards user manual

The pinguino boards are on the core of the project and it's community.

This electronic part is composed of at least the following blocks:

  • A USB connector/port.
  • A microcontroller.
  • A reset switch.
  • A number of pins or connectors for input/output.

The USB connector/port is used to connect the board to the computer, use it as power supply and program the board's microcontroller.

The microcontroller is the brain of the board and where the main program and instructions reside. It is programmed through Pinguino IDE, writing, compiling and uploading a program to the board via USB.

Once the program is written and compiled, you need to press the reset button on the board, to put it in programming mode so that Pinguino IDE can upload the code to the microcontroller.

The board can obtain information from its environment using sensors and control it by means of actuators. Both the sensors and the actuators are connected to the board using the input / output pins/connector that it has.

Last Updated: 2/20/2025, 11:29:44 PM